Louisa Cockbill
The Art of Science is a creative arts competition run every year by the Faculty of Medical and Veterinary Sciences at Bristol University; it is open to all researchers within the Faculty, including students. Can you capture the beauty within science? If so it’s not too late to enter, so give it a go, click here for more information. There are a bunch of great prizes and entries are displayed at @Bristol café and have the opportunity to be selected for the Wellcome trust bio-images collection, check out their page here. Competition entries are also placed in the popular Art of Science calendar. Entries from this year’s competition will be exhibited on Wednesday 21st November 9am - 6pm in D3
Medical Sciences Building.
Check out these great entries from previous
Harry Jepson, Alan Leard & Mark Jepson - 'Antenna Base' |
Richard Hulse - 'Skinny fibres' |
Emma Vincent - 'The Platelet Factory' |
Chrissy Hammond - 'Jaws' |
Louise Hickey - 'The Great Wave of Neurone' |
Find out more about the competition, click here