Too busy to keep track of all the science news during the week? Don’t fear Synapse is here. Check out this week's news.
Tatooine eat your heart out - A planet 5000 light years away and 6 times the size of Earth has been identified by volunteers to be illuminated by four suns. Find out more.
Old fella breaks sounds barrier - Chuck Yeager, aged 89, breaks sound barrier flying an F-15 Eagle above California the same day as Felix Baumgartner breaks sound record by skydiving 24 miles. Read the full story.
Prevention better than cure? - Studies planned to investigate how experimental drugs may prevent the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Find out more.
Girl Power - Ada Lovelace recognised as a pioneer of computing theory. Read more.

Curious activities - Curiosity Rover takes first Martian dust sample. Check it out.
Tyrant smuggler - Florida man arrested for smuggling dinosaur skeletons from Mongolia and China. Find out more.
What does your handshake say about you? - Offering your hand is always the best option. Read more.
Transporting tigers - In an attempt to save a critically endangered species, London zoo gets another Sumatran tiger. See the video.

Mary Melville and Felicity Russell